Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lovin' the Share

I love the internet. I love the instant gratification. I love that I can shop from my couch. I love that I can check out a library book without leaving my house. I don't even REALLY have to go to the grocery store if I didn't want to or couldn't. Actually, I never want to go to the grocery store, but I'm too embarrassed about what the delivery person would think when they brought groceries to me and realized it was just because I am lazy. I love Pinterest. I may border obsession with it, but I'm okay with that and can openly admit it. I love Facebook (you can find and like our facebook page Crafty B*s HERE). Even when they change the layout and everyone else complains. I'm always that one on everyone's wall reminding them that it is a free service we should just be happy to have. I love that I can feel like I am still connected with the outside world when I am stuck inside because of cold or my sick kid or both. The internet kept me sane when I was on bed-rest the last few months of my last pregnancy. It provides me with inspiration all the time. Recipes, activities to do with my children, craft ideas, books to read. Whatever. It's there and easily accessible.

I'm new to the blog world, myself, but I have been following a few for awhile. One of my favorites is a running blog called "Shut Up + Run". I connected with that blog in particular because the writer is also in Colorado, is also a mom, and is also relatively new to the running scene. She is also hilarious, which kept me reading. Last month, however, her family had a devastating loss in their family. Her cousin Sherry was abducted and killed while on a run near her home in Montana. One of the men who did this has confessed, but they have yet to find Sherry's body. She was a wife, a mother, a teacher. Throughout the uncertainty of the search and all of her grief, Beth of SUAR has continued blogging. She has shared her heart and pain with all who will lend an ear and some time. It is a heartbreaking story. It is also one that hits close to home for anyone who has had no qualms about lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement on a solo run in the neighborhood. Sends chills down the spine.

In honor of her cousin Sherry, Beth has coordinated a "virtual run" on Saturday, February 11, 2012. You can find more details on the SUAR blog here. While you are there check out the rest of her blog, because it is awesome. I will be dedicating my Saturday run to Sherry Arnold, and I think you should too. Even if you don't run.. Then walk, or even just send a little thought out for her.

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