Monday, February 13, 2012

Craft Room "Remodel"

Happy Monday! I actually had a pretty productive Sunday. I know I mentioned a few days ago that I was planning a "remodel" in our downstairs guest room. I had no plans really as to the "when" or the "how", but Sunday as I was on the phone with my StepMom, she mentioned they were trying to get rid of some of their stuff in storage. Lucky lucky me -- they happened to be getting rid of some closet organizer shelving ::SCORE!::. So, I swooped in, snagged it all up, and started making a bigger mess of the guest room.
I want to get the pictures posted, but there are a few more touches left. I still need a table and some organizational items for the wall, and baskets for all of my new little "cubbies". My goal was to create a work space for myself with lots of storage to keep my junk organized, while still keeping it a functional guest room. Done and done! I'm thrilled that it came together so nicely ::and FREE so far!:: even better!

I am amazed at the amount of useless junk we didn't even realize was in that closet! Thankfully, it was mostly stuff that we didn't want or need so I didn't have to try and find a new place for it in the house. It all went straight into the donation pile. It's not much. My husband actually said, "It looks the same?!", when I made him come look at it. It's exactly what I had in mind, though, and will not look so much the same when I get my work table in there. When I got my yarn out and organized, I found I have less than I thought. It's nice to have it all out where I can see that.

I've been working on filling some orders and have even taken a couple more! I'm so excited to be getting busier. I feel like I'm getting the hang of the blogging "thing" and have almost gotten to a place where I can focus on promoting our page. Thanks to all of our visitors from Facebook and Pinterest. Click on the follow button to find our page easier, and join our site by clicking the button in the members section. We'd like to eventually make some money on this thing (ha!) so any help we can get is very appreciated!

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