Tuesday, February 7, 2012

As Promised

Well I've put the finishing touches on a few projects today and am feeling pretty accomplished. I have several new ideas I am pretty excited about, but I will keep up the suspense and not mention them all here. I finally got my Handiwork tab updated with new pictures (even since this morning!) and prices. That was one of the main things hanging over my head the past few days and I am very relieved to have it finished. I also completed one order, finished the second version of my test pattern, and finished a gift that had been promised as "almost done" since Christmas! Overall a pretty good day in the crafting side of my life today. I opted to play with my daughter and get in my run instead of cleaning my house, but I'm willing to make that kind of sacrifice!

One project that I have on the horizon that I am excited about is the "renovation" of our guest bedroom into my craft room. I surround with quotations because it's not going to be a true renovation in the sense that would generally pop into my mind. It's more of a mash-up of guest bedroom/craft space. I like having a bedroom for visitors, but I also want to get the overflowing Rubbermaid tub of yarn out of my bedroom lol. I decided that the transformation may be blog worthy, so I have already taken the "before" pictures and if it turns out well, I will write up a detailed post of the process, and any DIY tutorials I can come up with for space saving craft areas. If you have any suggestions, or would like to submit pictures of your own rockin' craft space, I would love to hear about/see them!

That's about it for me. My creativity is about used up for the day. Also, my fingers are frozen which makes it difficult to type. The high was in the 20's here today. Have I mentioned that I am a summer girl? I am good with winter until Christmas is over, and then I'm looking for summer. I hate to be cold and my youngest always catches whatever is going around -- how, I have no idea -- we don't really go anywhere when it's cold.. (?)

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