Sunday, February 26, 2012

I ::HEART:: Crochet

I know Dez has got her hand in many different craft projects. I have some ideas for some other crafts also, but I love crochet so much right now that I have no interest in starting anything else. I'm okay with that. I'm busy busy trying to fill orders, which is GREAT! If I work hard over the next few days, I should be caught up by next weekend. That is my goal anyway. I'd like a little wiggle room in my schedule to work on some really fun ideas I've got in mind. Plus, I'm toying with the idea of doing a craft fair sometime in the near future, so I need to stock-pile some things to make that happen.

I have not finished my craft room remodel yet. I promise I will post pictures as soon as it's finished. I'm having a hard time finding the kind of table I have in mind, and when I went to the dollar store to get baskets for all of my new little cubby spaces, they were out. I am finding it really difficult not to post the "most of the way done" photos, but I won't! I really want it to be complete. I'm hoping to go thrifting sometime this week and am keeping my fingers crossed that I will find "THE table".

We had a busy weekend celebrating family birthdays. I love watching my kids have fun with family. Especially my oldest. She's at that age where it's not particularly "cool" to have fun with your ::gulp:: family... so it's always nice to see her drop her guard and enjoy the time together. We all finally seem to be well again, which is amazing. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have everyone in the house healthy!

Sidenote -- the title of this post was originally I <3 Crochet -- for some reason it would not publish it that way. Weird.

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