Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fun

Happy after-Easter everyone! Easter marks the end of the crazy season for my family. We're pretty calm now until the winter holidays really. That means I should be able to get a lot of projects cranked out. "Should" being the key-word, of course. I did get several things made last week, but nothing that goes towards my back-logged orders. I will get those finished this week and next week (I will I will I will I will....If I keep saying that it will come true, right?).

I made an Easter basket and "Chickie" hat for Lilly this Easter, and have had a pretty overwhelming response to them. I think next year I will put some up for sale. I haven't posted any of my new pictures here lately, but if you are interested in looking at any of our craft projects you can find them all here on our Facebook page. If you haven't "liked" us there, please do! We love to see the love!

I was also honored last month to be a tester for a pattern written by a friend and fellow crocheter. I absolutely love the pattern, and learned some different ways of doing some things in the process. You can see that finished project here. Ignore the sneer on my teenager.. She always looks like that lately (haha) but she was actually really happy to be a "model" and loves that hat. I love posting that picture because it makes her compose herself a little better for pictures NOW. I've revised the pattern a bit to suit my preferences, but I am making those for sale (with the blessing of my friend). If you are interested in purchasing the pattern and making it for yourself, you can do that here on her ravelry account.

On that note, I had better get a move on and get some orders going. I think I can actually finish one of them today if I start working on it now.

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