Thursday, March 8, 2012

About time!

Sheesh. Where does time go? I feel like I am in a constant struggle trying to make time slow down. The problem is I have so many things I want to do, but I also really enjoy sitting on my butt on the couch not doing anything. <-- That one wins out more often than it should.

I really have been busy filling orders and am happy to say I am almost caught up. I have one large order that has been overwhelming me a bit (in a "I'm happy to have this business" kind of way), but I am slowly but surely pegging away at it and am nearing the completion point. Along with that, I've got a few small/single item orders that I can finish quickly. I've set an end goal date of the first week of April to be caught up with all of my current orders. I know that seems like a long way off, but March is a busy family birthday month for us and I am realistic. I know that on my daughter's third birthday I will not be getting any crocheting done. The same goes for my other daughter's 13th birthday and the days of their parties. I also know that I need to get things done around the house before said party days arrive, so that takes more time away from "my stuff". Such is life as a mom (if you are the type of mom I try to be anyway).

I am really excited about a few ideas I've got in mind for when I am caught up, but I won't say what they are until I get them going and can show them off. --If they're cute. I don't know if I will be posting pictures if they don't turn out the way I want (ha!). Of course, I got the idea, and looked up 'how to's' on Pinterest until I found what looked like the best ones. When I try them out, I will link to the tutorials in my posts.

Also, I am giving up on the pattern writing for the time being. I will pick it up again later, but it's driving me crazy at the moment and I'm done trying to figure it out for now. I'm toying with the idea of entering a craft show at the end of summer and would like to get some things stock piled for that. I also may be starting an Etsy store in the near future. I am going to start focusing my time on those two things and let the less lucrative ideas kind of fall by the wayside. Warm weather is just around the corner and I could just about explode with excitement. I have so many fun plans for the summer-time and a "Lilly-line" that I've got in mind. I just cannot wait!

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