Monday, January 30, 2012

Entering "The Blog Scene"

Well. Here we are. I'm Jen, and my co-blogger/co-B is Desarai. I call her Dez, I know other people call her Rai (weird to me lol), you'll have to ask her what she wants you to call her, but I'll refer to her as Dez. I get to pick because I have known her since we were 7 years old. I won't tell you how long that makes us acquainted exactly, but I will say it is over 20 years.. 20 years from now, I will probably still say "over 20 years" rather than "over 40 years" lol, but I digress (which I tend to do often.. see?)....

A couple of months ago, Dez and I decided we wanted to be crafty. Actually about a year ago, both Dez and I decided we wanted to crochet. So we started, but then didn't really go anywhere with it for some reason. Then recently we (along with millions of other people -- thanks Pinterest!) decided to be crafty again. Only, this time,we were quite a bit more serious and diligent. So far, I have basically stuck with crochet, and Dez has her hand in quite a few different crafts as well as crochet. In my defense, I actually finish projects before I move on, where Dez tends to jump from project to project lol. When she finishes one, though it's usually pretty rockin'. I don't currently have any half done projects lying around, so I can comfortably sit down and create this blog.

What is this blog about exactly? you may be asking. Well, let me tell you! We're a couple of crafting girls (women..), and we're excited to show off our stuff. It's pretty great for us that we can use blogging and other internet resources to get ourselves out there. If we can make some money, well, that's a big bonus for us; but it's more about the crafts we're proud of. That's good, because I honestly don't know anyone personally who makes money with a blog. I hear it's possible, but I'm skeptical lol. I'm naturally optimistic, so I'll roll with it.

We decided to go into this together, because what is better than hanging out with your friend? Possibly making money by hanging out with your friend, that's what!

I happen to like writing, so I will probably be posting pretty often. I will, however, be sticking to just the things I am making (unless Dez asks me to share something of hers) since that is what I know about. We tend to have some different likes and dislikes ::shocking, I know:: so you'll be seeing a variety of crafts all in one spot!

Well that's about all for our Introduction blog. I'll post my own "about Jen" post soon, because I know you are probably just DYING to know all "about Jen" and I would hate to keep you in suspense. :) I'll also link up our facebook page and start posting pictures as soon as I figure out how to do that exactly..

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