Friday, May 4, 2012


I cannot believe it has been nearly a month since either of us has posted. There is some serious slacking going on in the blog posting area! When we were discussing creating this blog, I thought at least one of us would be popping in almost daily to type up a little something. Apparently I was grossly mistaken! We'll have to remedy this issue, though. I also need to get some pictures posted ASAP. Until then, you can check out all of our current pictures on our Facebook Page. We are a lot better at updating things there.

I happen to know that we have both been crafting our little tails off over the past month, so it's almost acceptable. Almost.

I have finished a lot of new projects, but am a tad ashamed to say I am still (STILL!!?) procrastinating my one large order. I think I am a little intimidated by the items I have never made before. I don't mind taking on new challenges, or straying from my norm (hats/headwear). It's just that I'm not that excited about making some of the stuff. I get nervous when I am making a "pair" of something (gloves/socks/slippers), because there is such a huge margin of error. All I have to do is not hold my yarn with the same tension and I end up with two completely different sizes. It freaks me out. And frustrates me to no end! So there it is. My rant. I may just deliver what I have completed with a complimentary item and confess my lack of desire to make the rest (ha!). Or, I may suck it up and just make the damn things. The other problem is I am getting new orders fairly regularly, and they're usually for something I can whip up almost without thinking about it. So, naturally I blow off the less desirable task... I know I know, quit crying. I need to do SOMETHING about it, though. The "incomplete-ness" is totally stressing me out (and I'm sure my 4 or so readers are getting sick of hearing about it in every post I write).

My family has been staying pretty busy also, with work events for my husband, track/piano/friends/school events for my older daughter, attitude throwing and bossing everyone for my 3 year old, and keeping everything together for me (the hardest job, in my humble opinion..). We also bought a new puppy, which keeps me a little busier and a lot more annoyed daily. I love the puppy. She is adorable and well behaved. She is also another thing I have to make sure my 3 year old doesn't "break" with too much love.. She is also my 3 year old's new best friend and someone for her to boss around. All. Day. Long. I am still getting adjusted.